
Sunday Worship

Worship is the term we use for the regular Sunday gathering when we come together with the primary objective to connect with God. While God can use almost anything in His creation to remind us of His power, love, and infinite nature, during our English Ministry worship service, we typically utilize music (contemporary style songs), corporate prayer, giving, and reading Scripture (the Old and Testaments of the Bible) together as key elements in group worship of God. Other art forms, such as poetry, visual art, and drama, are also sometimes used to direct our attention to Him. We welcome you and your family to join us on Sunday morning as we honor the One who made us and who loves us!

Fellowship Groups

Fellowship is the term we use for our gatherings when we come together with the primary objective to connect to each other, in a warm and friendly atmosphere. In today’s information age, people often find it difficult to connect with other people. However, we as people are “social creatures” and need to form relationships with others. The English Ministry provides the atmosphere and the setting to comfortably connect with new friends in a safe environment with fun and interesting activities.

Service Events

Service is the term we use for our gatherings when we come together with the primary objective to serve our community. It is a core principle of the Christian faith that every follower of Jesus Christ has been created to do something significant with their life (Ephesians 2:10). You were made for a purpose; you can accomplish that purpose and be an enormous blessing in your town and your world!

Children and Youth Ministry

Children and youth from the Mandarin, Cantonese, and English congregations all meet together for our children and youth ministries. Sunday School classes for toddlers through 5th graders are held at both 9:30 and 11:00 on Sunday mornings. If you have questions, please contact us and we will put you in touch with our Children’s Ministry Director.

We also offer a Middle School Sunday School class at 9:30 and a Middle & High School Worship Service, called EM2, at 11:00 on Sundays. The High School Ministry is called Oasis and meets on Saturday evenings at 6 PM. High school students are also encouraged to join the English Ministry Worship Service on Sunday mornings at 9:30. For more information or to contact either our Middle School or High School Ministry Directors, go to myrefreshingoasis.com.

Children are also welcome at our Friday Night Fellowship and service events.